Monday, September 30, 2019

American Freedom

The establishment of American society traces its roots back to the fifteenth century when Columbus discovered the existence of unknown land on this way to India. Since that time many people from all over the world have been taking refuge in the USA escaping from political or religious persecution. It has lead to outstanding ethnic diversity where human skin color varies from black, brown, and black to red and yellow. Depending on their background former â€Å"newcomers† who have become ancestors of new American generations are called â€Å"African Americans†, â€Å"Asian Americans†, â€Å"Russian Americans†, etc.Obviously, highly mentioned representatives of worlds cultures have their own political and religious preferences that have resulted in an increasing number of different confessions (Buddhists, Catholics, Muslims, etc. ) and parties (Democrats, Communists, Republicans, Socialists, etc. ). However, American nation is characterized by the following d istinct features common to overwhelming majority of people: †¢ Privacy and Individualism are the most important aspects of social independence all Americans value the most.Since their childhood Americans have been taught to consider themselves as independent part of a nation, social group, family, etc. They are used to make their own decisions but at the same time may seldom admit that there exist a number of external factors that greatly influence their decision making skills: stereotypes, mass media, social institutions, etc. They reject the idea of being similar to anybody else as they always strive to be different and unique.Newly arrived immigrants or those who accept Americans as guests from abroad may get a better picture of American culture and deeper insight into their beliefs and values only recognizing their true belief in freedom and self-reliance. The majority of Americans believe that in order to survive in modern world of commercialization and skim the cream off one should be free, independent, and self-reliant in terms of thoughts and decisions. This notion is also closely associated with how Americans treat their parents.More often than not, they show less intimate relationships with family members than other representatives of any other culture. They believe that biological/historical circumstances that brought together the parents and the child reach their purpose during child’s upbringing and adolescence after which the parent/child relationships decline and grow weaker. In some cases the connection may be totally lost especially taking into consideration the fact of vast territory of the country.Privacy is another part of American identity which is of great value when people want to psychologically â€Å"replenish† themselves or take their time to think about life situation, etc. †¢ How Americans perceive themselves? Typically, living in the USA its citizens never see themselves as representatives of their own count ry. Instead, they would rather compare themselves to people who are different from others regardless of the fact whether their â€Å"competitors† are of American or foreign origin.Many Americans make statements saying that their culture is not distinct enough to describe as they frequently visualize culture as a number of random traditions on the surface of society which can be distinct and common only in other cultures. Separate Americans sometimes believe that they established their priorities by themselves, rather than having had their thoughts and the considerations on which they are founded obtruded on them by their own culture. When asked to describe common features of American culture the majority of Americans fail to give a descent answer in some cases even rejecting the idea of â€Å"American culture† as a notion.Meanwhile, some Americans may gladly express their generalized their opinions about different groups and subcommunities within their own culture. Sou therners have stereotypical views (generalized, simplified notions) about Northerners, and the other way round. There exists a wide range of traditionally set views about people from the country, from big cities, from inland, from the coasts, from the Southeast, religious and ethnic groups and those who live in Oregon, Texas, Big Apple, California, Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, etc.†¢ Materialism and Achievement. â€Å"She is a hard-working person,† one American may express his/her opinion towards another person, or â€Å"he does his job well. † These phrases denote the usual American’s respect for people who approaches a task thoroughly and persistently, brining it to a victorious finale. In addition, these phrases also denote respect for achievers, those people who do their best and put much effort to achieve their goals. Foreigners frequently have a feeling that American people work harder than people from abroad expect them to work.(More likely these visito rs have been extremely subjective to American mass media production such as movies and TV programs which would typically show audience less working people but more of those who hang out and chill out driving cars and having dates). Regardless of the fact that some of the â€Å"Protestant† professional ethic may have lost some of its influence on Americans, there is still a strong faith that the perfect person must be a â€Å"hard worker. † A hard worker â€Å"gets everything right† in terms of his/her deadline, organizational skills, high standards of quality.Typically, Americans are keen on action. They really believe it is vital to devote much energy to their work or to other daily routine responsibilities. Moreover, they do believe they should be occupied most of the time. They are typically not satisfied, as representatives from many other cultures are, only to sit and have a talk with other people. They get bored and loose patience. They think they should b e occupied with something, or at least make plans and arrangements for future. †¢ Directness and Assertiveness.Americans, as has been indicated above, normally take themselves as sincere, open-minded, and straight in their relationships with other people. Americans will often talk openly and straightly to others about things they do not like. They will make attempts to do so in a style they call â€Å"constructive,† which means a style which the other person will not accept as offensive or improper. If they do not talk sincerely about what is on their thoughts, they will frequently communicate their reaction in nonverbal way (no words, only facial expressions, body positions, and gestures).They are not aware, unlike people from many Asian countries are, that they are supposed to mask or sometimes hide their emotional reaction. Their phrases, the tone of their voice, or their facial expressions will more often than not show when their feelings of anger, unhappiness, confu sion, or happiness. They think it is okay to show these feelings at least within limits. The majority of Asians feel embarrassed around Americans who are showing a strong emotional response to something.On the other hand, Latinos and Arabs are usually inclined to exhibit their emotions more candidly than Americans do, and to consider Americans as unemotional and cold. However, Americans are frequently less straight and open than they recognize it. There exist in fact many restrictions on their desire to discuss things honestly. Regardless of these limitations, Americans are usually more direct and sincere than people from many other cultures. They normally do not try to hide their emotions and are much less worried with â€Å"face† – avoiding awkwardness to themselves or others.To them, being â€Å"open† is typically more important than preserving harmony in interpersonal relationships. Americans use the words â€Å"assertive† or â€Å"hostile† to illustrate a person who is overly assertive in expressing thoughts or making requests. The line between acceptable assertiveness and unacceptable aggressiveness is difficult to draw. †¢ For American culture, time is a â€Å"resource,† like water or coal, which can be used properly or poorly. â€Å"Time is money. † â€Å"You only get so much time in life, so use it wisely.† The future will not be improved comparing to the past or the present, as Americans are used to take things, unless people use their time for constructive and promising activities. Therefore, Americans admire a â€Å"hard-working organized† people who write down things to be done and a schedule for doing them. The ideal person must be punctual (i. e. arrive at the scheduled time for event) and is considerate of other people’s time (that is, does not â€Å"waste people’s time† with conversation or other activity with no visible, beneficial outcome). References Br own, J. (2006). Americans. New York: Pocket Books.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Why Do Countries Trade with Each Other

Why do countries trade with each other? Show, using examples, why this may be to do with principle of comparative advantage. Introduction In 1776 Adam Smith stated, â€Å"If a foreign country can supply us with a commodity cheaper than we ourselves can make it, better buy it of them with some part of the produce of our own industry, employed in a way in which we have some advantage. † This sentence shows basic principle on which the world trade is based. Countries buy and sell goods abroad to achieve the best possible cost-effectiveness.Long-distance trade dates back to the ancient times and today it is the heart of the world economy. It is a crucial factor in economic growth of every state. Source of prosperity and development in industrialized world. Statistically speaking, countries with high per capita values of export and import tend to have relatively rich and prosperous societies. International trade is a necessity deriving from the diversity of international community. Countries have different weather, natural resources, population, educational level of workforce, infrastructure.All these thing make cost of producing particular commodities different in each country. And that difference causes international trade to be reasonable. In my essay I’ll try to justify why countries trade with each other by pointing out and explaining particular aspects of foreign trade. Natural Resources and Factor of Endowment The most obvious and visible cause for international trade is a difference in location of natural resources and factor of endowment. Factor of endowment is amount  of  labor,  land,  money  and  entrepreneurship  that could be exploited for  manufacturing  within a country.Every country is unique, therefore they have different economic potentials. Some countries naturally have more natural resources, higher population, bigger territory than the others. Uneven location of resources causes limited possibilities of productio n within countries. For example France has basically no oil resources on its own yet it is the world 13th biggest consumer (CIA, 2010). That means that it has to import almost all it requires. They are importing it from countries that have oil surplus that they can exchange. Population is also a crucial factor.More populated nations are more likely to produce huge surplus of commodities that they can subsequently sell. Like China which huge industry sector produce number of goods big enough to sell all over the world. In order to cultivate the land, grow particular plants, practice animal husbandry very specific climate and soil fertility is needed. For instance citrus fruits can develop only in climates with a cool winter. Relatively few countries can claim to have weather like this, yet we can buy oranges and limes all over the world.These examples show that some countries do not have physical possibility to produce certain goods and have to import them. This is especially noticea ble in industrialized western societies which historically have very big demand on tropical goods such as spices, fabrics, fruits etc. Specialization Heckscher-Ohlin theory indicates that countries specializes in the production of goods that it is adopted to produce. It directly derives from differences in factor of endowment I described before.Countries have different production capacity some are rich in capital and poor in labour power, others have a lot of people but not much capital, some have a lot of raw materials, another have skilled man power. Principle of specialization is closely related to the division of labour. Whole country adopts a role of producer of certain good when the others do the same with different goods. Of course it is just a simplification because some commodities like for instance cars are produced in many different countries. One country can be specialized in production of many different goods.But in general every country produce a certain range of produ cts in high volume. That give them the opportunity to invest as much capital and labour as it is possible to develop the production and conduct research. That helps achieving higher efficiency of production and exploit economy of scale. Economy of scale is basically decreasing average cost of production per unit by expanding scale of output. By specialization economy is capable to produce high surplus and sell it abroad afterwards. Since when costs of production decreases, supply increases.To visualize the point I’ll present and theoretical example. Country â€Å"A† is very capital-abundant but is poor in labour and country â€Å"B† is poor in capital, but has a lot of labour force. Country â€Å"A† country can form capital-intensive industries that will have great efficiency thanks to scale of the production. It will produce surplus and then exchange it with country â€Å"B† which specialized itself in labour-intensive industries. By that means, p roduction of both capital and labour intensive goods will be higher and of better quality. Great real world example is Dutch agriculture.Holland is a medium populated country with only 61st place in the world in terms of population (CIA, 2012). Yet its agriculture which employs only 2% of the population provides large surpluses for the food-processing industry and exports. After United states and France it is world third largest exporter of foodstuffs. That is thanks to huge investments in new technologies and mechanized agriculture. Comparative Advantage Both reasons for trading that I described in previous paragraphs boil down to one absolute cause for world trade to occur, comparative advantage.Country has a comparative advantage when it has an ability to produce particular good at lower marginal and opportunity cost. Because of limited production capacity no country is able to produce every needed product. To produce particular good or service, economy sometimes has to give up o n producing others. That means that a country has to specialize on producing goods that is has comparative advantage on. For instance let’s assume that Poland can produce both cars and grow carrots at relatively low cost but at the same time Ukraine can grow carrots with a bit higher cost than Poland, but can’t produce cars.That means that Poland has absolute advantage on both goods but opportunity cost of producing a car in Poland is significantly higher than in Ukraine. By investing work force and capital in cultivation of carrots Poland misses an opportunity to produce more cars which can bring higher revenue to the polish economy. In that way Ukraine has a comparative advantage on production of carrots because Ukrainian economy do not lose opportunity to produce anything, by investing in carrot agricultural production. This example explains why it is sometime worthwhile for countries to export goods that they are capable of producing.This can lead everyone to produ cing only those goods that one can produce most efficiently. Good example of comparative advantage in contemporary world is the fact that on span of last few India became a major supplier of phone answering services for USA. Even though obviously Americans have better skill in English language and are able to provide this service independently , relatively high skilled American labour force is needed in another efforts. Opportunity cost of having that service provided by Americans is to apparently to high. That’s why it is transferred to India. ConclusionConclusion that derives from previous points is that world trade is inevitable and necessary mean in contemporary world. Factor of Endowments paragraph clearly states that countries are endowed with resources extremely unevenly. 81% of Petroleum reserves which is currently one of the most desired and needed commodities is localized in only 12 countries(OPEC,2011). Concerning that most of the world countries do not have oil re sources big enough to satisfy domestic demand, they have to import it. This is not only oil supply problem, many goods are able to be produced, mined etc. only in certain areas.This is in my opinion the most visible and crucial reason why countries trade. Secondly over the years people understood that specialization and intensification of production can bring huge profit. Economy of scale make per unit production cheaper but involve bigger effort. That’s why it is easier to focus on big production of only some range of goods why importing others. And of course comparative advantage principle which in mathematical way, shows how by division of production between countries and a proper assessment of opportunity cost every country can trade with one another with profit.These three examples of reasons why do countries trade should explain concept of international trade clearly enough and show its benefits and inevitability in contemporary world. Bibliography Smith, A, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, (1776) Sokoloff, Engerman, History Lessons: Institutions, Factors Endowments, and Paths of Development in the New World, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Available from: http://www. jstor. org/stable/2646928? seq=8 [Accessed 29th October 2012]McKenzie, Lionel, Specialization and Efficiency in World Production. , The Review of Economic Studies21 ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Smith, A. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. (1776), p. 364. [ 2 ]. Business Dictionary, Factor of Endowment Definition. Available from: http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/factor-endowment. html [Accessed 28 October 2012] [ 3 ]. The Economist, Economies of scale and scope. Available from: http://www. economist. com/node/12446567 [Accessed 29th October 2012]

Saturday, September 28, 2019

In the Country of Men Woman Essay

-Automatic sense of powerlessness initiated by the cultural environment of Libya’s patriarchal society in which woman are severely oppressed. Matars setting in a figurative landscape of Libya in which males obtain an overriding dominance assists in creating a world in which powerless woman is a norm. From the outset of the novel, women are portrayed as weak and incompetence demonstrated by Kareem’s descriptions of a woman’s menstrual cycle as â€Å"a curse† . This criticism from a mere child demonstrates how woman are considered below children in the society’s hierarchy. Matar emphasizes the oppression of woman through the act of Mama being immobile during sex. This heightens that lack of power possessed by woman and the ability for the outside patriarchal society to infiltrate a household and be present in even the most intimate situations. lack of respect of woman rights within the society is evident with the severe extremities associated with her arranged marriage. Locked up and sex against will, notion that father would execute ultimate power by killing her without compunction highlights how a woman is merely a chattel in the society. -Rarely called by names highlighting limiting role as bearer. I must be a good wife, loyal and unquestioning†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Puts make up on, Baba asks why no lunch yet, tells her what to pack= Men have control and ability to take action while woman are powerless relying on men for permission.. 2) However, Matar demonstrates how power is more individual than cultural with Mama’s ability to choose how she reacts to specific situations resulting in obtaining power to save Baba. Mama develops power after her intervention with Um Masoud leads to the successful saving of Baba’s life, awakening Mama to the subtle yet influential power she possesses. -Matar makes a statement that individual power is an inherent characteristic, as Mama discovers happiness throgh recognizing her own ability to wield power. This is demonstrated to the allusion of the story of â€Å"Scheherazade†. Although she condemns Scheherazade’s actions, scorning the heroine’s actions to save herself simply for life itself, Mama displays action similar to those of the novel woman. Her actions parallel those of the heroine, ultimately harnessing hidden power to outsmart and influence, saving Baba in  the process. She ultimately uses power of rationality and realism to act- pragmatic Despite the men acting in ways that are idealistic rather than realistic, Mama shows ultimate power of knowledge that in this particular society, resistance is futile and best not be engaged. Matar highlights how in order to survive; a person must acquiesce to regime. Becomes â€Å"darling of the house† and becomes a woman who is able to cope with her life in juxtaposition to at the beginning of the novel where she succumbed to the consumption of alcohol as an escape mechanism. On a deeper level, Matar invites us to view her behaivour as a response to a world full of suffering and lack of control. Therefore, her divergence from alcohol consumption supports the newfound harmony harnessed within her relationship. 3. Mama is powerful in the sense that she is able to influence thoughts within her son, ultimately controlling his departure to Egypt. -Mama’s use of storytelling of her â€Å"black day† has the ability to influence young Suleiman and implicates him in guilt and a duty of care -Results in him â€Å"dreaming of saving her†. Power over Suleiman When combined with alcohol problem, her power over him is manipulative, with Suleiman standing up to Baba stating â€Å"all you men are the same†. Uses power of persuasion to arrange Suleiman’s â€Å"safety† as he leaves for Egypt is a deceitful maneuver that echoes her own marriage. Suleiman describes her â€Å"ruthless, steely certainty that made her send me away†. Hence, IN THE DENOUEMENT OF THE NOVEL, Mama accesses her inherent power 4. Um Masoud – Matar’s juxtaposition of Mama and the other principle wife, Um Masoud, in the novel demonstrate how inequality is not shared throughout all households Um Masoud, who is married to a RC member, is seen to wield major influence over her husband. Um Masoud reminds her husband of his catechism â€Å"She is our dear neighbor† It is she who intercedes on Mama’s behalf to save Baba which is partly acknowledged by Mama who â€Å"What if they can’t or wont help us†, detailing Um Masoud’s ability to save Baba Further relishes her power-playing role to a point in which is unhealthy and warped is demonstrated by her ordering of Suleiman to take a slice of cake to the â€Å"gentlemen sitting in the car†. ordering Suleiman to act in kindness towards  a man who has been spying on his family and involved in the execution of his best friends father. Demonstrates Matar’s presentation of intricate an complex presentation of characters. Not black and white. UM MASOUD ENJOYS HER ABILITY TO WIELD POWER, BOTH POLITICALLY WITH HUSBAND AND OUT OF SHEER PERSONAL JOY. Women have inner ability to choose how they react, may not be discovered until catalytic events enhance maturity. Power is a by-product of authority demonstrated by Um Masoud whose close proximity to power is able to inflate ego.

Friday, September 27, 2019


ELECTRONIC COMMERCE AND INFORMATION SECURITY AND ETHICS - Essay Example The internet has also made it possible for consumers to make decisions in a stress free environment without succumbing to any pressure thus making the process enjoyable. Â  The entertainment industry has also not been left out with this latest trend in business. Most entertainment products are distributed either in digital or physical form. This has aided in the sale, purchase, and distribution of entertainment content. Some of the products on sale are music, audio books, videos, e-books, and games. Electronic and mobile commerce has enabled consumers to purchase and download content from the internet through download portals (Obrien & Marakas, 2005). Transactions are done online and payments made using business cards like visa cards and PayPal. Most of these websites only sell official and legal sheet music. Therefore, mobile and electronic commerce has brought entertainment at the fingertips of consumers. Consumers can now download music anytime anywhere. Â  The financial industry has also had its share of the electronic and the mobile commerce. Banking services have improved as customers can now deposit and withdraw money online through mobile banking. There is also increased online brokerage. Another impact of electronic commerce is evident in the stock trading market. Investors can now monitor their stocks and trade them online. Another benefit of electronic commerce is the system of smart card based payment. This has enabled easier transaction by reducing the use of hard cash in making payments thus ensuring cash safety. Â  Electronic and mobile commerce has also boosted transactions in the retail industry. Selling of goods and services has been made easier by allowing customers to choose, make decisions place orders and even pay for their products (Rayport & Jaworski, 2002). This type of commerce has enabled buyers and sellers from all over the world to meet on the same site. Therefore, it has

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thematic Function Style in Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window Essay

Thematic Function Style in Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window - Essay Example Important Patterns the Plot On the surface the plot of the film seems rather simple: just a single set and a handful of characters, but upon close observation we realize that just by means of editing Alfred Hitchcock puts life in the plot, makes it suspenseful and attention-grabbing. Fawell (5) in his books suggests that Hitchcock believed that everyone was involved in something physical and nasty behind closed doors†. This belief can be assumed as a basis for creating Rear Window, where Hitchcock portrays the concept of voyeurism trough the central character of his film. But he applies the voyeurism concept in a positive manner by projecting parallel concepts of human loneliness and need for empathy. The opening scene shows a broken camera with a picture of an airplane taken at very close range. The protagonist, Jeffries is seated in a chair with his foot in a cast. In order to kill his boredom, Jeffries develops the habit of observing his neighbors through his rear window. He allocates nicknames to these people and observes their intimate lives through an impersonal distance. There are significant elements of voyeurism in his observations as he watches the ballerina dancing seductively in her underwear, a couple which sleeps on the balcony, a newly-married couple engaged in an intimate embrace that keeps pulling down the blinds, a pianist who is trying to woo women with his music, a spinster who is looking for love in the oddest of ways and an unhappy salesman who is frequently quarrelling with his wife. Hitchcock uses the technique â€Å"point-of-view† which enables the viewer to look at the entire film through Jeffries’s perspective. Through Rear Window Hitchcock uses voyeurism that results in a positive outcome as Jeffries through is odd interest in neighbors solves a murder mystery, saves his own life and salvages his relationship with Lisa. Towards the beginning of the film, Jeffries’s nurse Stella says â€Å"we’ve beco me a nation of peeping toms†, this is the central theme around which the plot of the film revolves. According to Fawell, Hitchcock blows up the single set from the window into a view of thirty-one city apartments that appear to be like an elaborate doll-house (4). The very concept of using an apartment building instead of neighboring houses contributes immensely to voyeurism. This is so because in case of a house with a rear window the other visible window could be of one neighboring house, which would have to be the killer’s then there would not be any significance of other characters. The very concept of voyeurism stands out when Jeffries observes the intimate lives of various characters residing in apartments of the opposite building, not just the killer’s. Hence although the protagonist in the film is firmly seated in one place, we are able to see multiple views through his eyes—or the eyes of the camera. This Hitchcock has executed to perfection with close-up shots, tracking shots and film montages. For example when Jeffries is talking on the phone

Security through authentication and Encryption Essay

Security through authentication and Encryption - Essay Example Security issues are the ones that Government take pride for determining technical standards within the domain of the private sector. Since technology is on its way to implement some technical standards to secure communication mode, first of all it mandates standards to mandate Internet commerce and communication. Among the most significant issue concerning technical standards is the usage of security and authentication. Authentication is not only required in communications between organizations and clients but is also a considerable issue in making electronic payments over the Internet. Depending on the direction and interactivity, authentication requires some previously stored data while communicating online. Authentication while encrypting the data allows any organization to get security over the network, thereby utilizing its resources without any hassle or threat of being attacked by the hacker. Encryption not only provides confidentiality to an organization when most often used with ‘https’ protocol, but by authenticating the data it provides non-repudiation that travels over a network or stored on a system. Except for the fact that authentication gets costly to organization and there is a risk of passwords vulnerability, there are no other limitations for authenticating your network. Since passwords are vulnerable to brute-force attacks or forgetfulness they are also subjected to a threat of weak password authentication. For example if a manager sends an application inclusive of passwords in plain text while not encrypted, to the authenticating server, any network sniffer can figure out the password, whether it is 250 or 2 characters long. A physical form of authentication is deployed in large organizations, government and military agencies that measures physical attributes, called ‘biometrics’. Since it is economically not

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reading reflection 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading reflection 6 - Essay Example According to the article, the police generally will associate certain crimes with a certain race. The police have a set mentality on a crime committed. The will go to brutal lengths in order to prove that certain minorities commit crimes more often. Police brutality will usually occur because of a number of reasons. The most common one is racial discrimination. Between 1990 and 1994, 89% of reported custody deaths involved Hispanics or African Americans (Elisha, Joshua & Zenobia 2010). These are examples of police brutality cases that are reported. Such examples include those involving Patrick Hall, Rodney king and Oscar Grant. I concur with the author’s views on Police brutality and racial discrimination. Police brutality especially towards the minority is not always physical. This is best illustrated by the case of a Patrick Hall. Patrick Hall, an African American who served in the US army. He then enrolled at Illinois State University from where he started his own business. Hall employed most of his friends who were also black. The police started harassing him as soon as they discovered his progress (Elisha, Joshua & Zenobia 2010). The police would humiliate Hall with random checks for illegal activities. They went as far as surveying and intimidating Hall. This forced him to shut down the business and leave the city. This is a classic case of emotional and verbal abuse among minorities. Police brutality will happen for a number of reasons. Chief among them is racial discrimination. Use of excessive force is described as police brutality. By 1999, 75% of males who were African American are pulled over because they were Black (The Struggle Against racial Profiling). Law enforcement officers will verbally, emotionally and physically offensive to citizens of race. However, the number of such incidences is decreasing constantly in the wake of human rights awareness. A criminal justice

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Ethics and Business Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics and Business Success - Essay Example They seek ways to improve their productivity, efficiency, and the way their company functions as a whole. Two of the articles printed in the Journal of Value Based Leadership offer ways to improve businesses in two very different ways. The first, "Secrets of Your Leadership Success-The 11 Indispensable E's of a Leader," by M.S. Rao, essentially offers a positive, team friendly approach that will give a path to strong leadership. The second, "The Conscious Organization: Prospects for a Self-Actualized Workforce,† by John Renesch, supports developing your business using the ideas of psychological theorists, Andrew Maslow and Carl Jung, treating the business as you would a person. It places the value on the needs of the whole company, but less on its individual parts. Renesch’s approach to gaining success within a business is mixing the principles of Maslow’s self-actualization and Jung’s â€Å"shadows,† which are things that block a person from achievi ng their highest potentials. The author believes that by viewing businesses in the same way that you look at a person you can make the best of it; pretending that a business has the same need to self-actualize as a person does. He, also, focuses on a tightly structured organization within the business. He explains that anything that gets in the way of the success of the business it should be eliminated for the sake of the business. This is the basis of a â€Å"Conscious Organization,† which the author created in the 1990s. The author promotes that a successful business and successful people are those who are willing to evaluate themselves, their values, and relationships all of the time. â€Å"Living this sort of self examined life is what brings meaning and worth (Renesch 74-77). In the second article, Rao takes a different approach. He discusses how any successful business needs strong leadership if they hope to be successful. He suggests that the â€Å"11 E’s† are those traits or behaviors that can guarantee that someone is on the right path towards leadership, and they are easy to remember as they all start with the letter â€Å"E.† It is the combination of these elements, he says, can and will develop into the best kind leader in the best kind of business. Both articles are very interesting in their approaches. However, Rao’s article offers such a positive way of creating a happy work environment and good teamwork, while Renesch’s view is very cold. It does not seem to care about the needs or issues of the workers. Renesch want to treat the business like it is a living person and the people are like replaceable parts. The two writers are very different. For example, if there was an employee who was not working to their best possible ability; Rao would work to encourage that employee to do better, but Renesch would call this employee a â€Å"bad† employee and want to get rid of them. In this context, there is no room for anything except what is good for the business. Rao’s article appears to value the employees and Renesch’s does not really feel like that. His article feels like he sees individual people are just parts, when one is no good just throw it out and replace with a better one. This kind of heartless business practice does not always make for a good business to be a part of, even if the profits are high. People, I think, will work harder for people and for goals when they feel that they matter and the contribution that they make is important. When I enter into the business world I want to make the best choices that I can. I agree with Renesch when he explained how important being able to change and grow in the business industry, but it is Rao whose article I think will benefit me the most when I enter into my career field. Having a good way of becoming a strong leader

Monday, September 23, 2019

Organizational culture Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10500 words

Organizational culture - Dissertation Example The research also studied the past researches and studies on the subject. According to one study of global consulting firm, KPMG ( can be accessed at: (what is a KPMG Study?), 83% of all mergers and acquisitions failed to create shareholder value and 50% of them actually ended up destroying shareholder value. The majority of these mergers and acquisitions failed because of cultural and people differences. Kraft paid a very good price for the acquisition of Cadbury. It didn’t overpay and considering the worth of the Cadbury brand in its portfolio, it can be said that the deal was a very good bargain for Kraft. Kraft also believes that it will realize synergies or cost savings of $ 675 million annually by the end of the third year. It also wanted Cadbury because of its high market share in the high growth markets of emerging economies like India and Latin America. C adbury enjoys a strong presence in these markets because it entered these markets much before they started emerging. It enjoys a kind of first mover advantage in markets like India. (expand on this). According to the Boston Consulting Group Matrix analysis, Cadbury is a star in emerging markets like India and Latin America i.e. it has a high market share in a market that has a very high growth rate. The likelihood that this acquisition of Cadbury by Kraft will succeed is high. This likelihood will, however, depend on the ability of Kraft to achieve the most important critical factor of success which is the successful integration of the organizational culture of the two companies. The Human Resources... Kraft paid a very good price for the acquisition of Cadbury. It didn’t overpay and considering the worth of the Cadbury brand in its portfolio, it can be said that the deal was a very good bargain for Kraft.Kraft also believes that it will realize synergies or cost savings of $ 675 million annually by the end of the third year. It also wanted Cadbury because of its high market share in the high growth markets of emerging economies like India and Latin America. Cadbury enjoys a strong presence in these markets because it entered these markets much before they started emerging. It enjoys a kind of first mover advantage in markets like India. According to the Boston Consulting Group Matrix analysis, Cadbury is a star in emerging markets like India and Latin America.The likelihood that this acquisition of Cadbury by Kraft will succeed is high. This likelihood will, however, depend on the ability of Kraft to achieve the most important critical factor of success which is the success ful integration of the organizational culture of the two companies. The Human Resources Management will play a very critical role in this.As has been already recommended, the strategy of the management and Human Resources management should create such conditions where the two much different cultures of Cadbury and Kraft can productively coexist. Cadbury has a very strong organizational culture of its own. Any attempt by Kraft to impose its culture on this organizational culture of Cadbury may have disastrous results.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Gansz V. Alton Haunted House Essay Example for Free

Gansz V. Alton Haunted House Essay The case of Gansz V. Alton Haunted House originated when a girl tripped while running from an individual with a loud motor driven chainsaw at a haunted house in Alton, Illinois on October 29, 2011 (Faces of Lawsuit Abuse, 2013). The girl’s father, Terry Gansz, claims the haunted house tour included a section where patrons were directed through a passage leading to a ramp with an entry to the rear of the haunted bus. American Legion is being blamed for the design of the haunted house making it difficult for patrons to exit the attraction (Madison Record, 2013). Arguing that the plaintiff voluntarily assumed the risks of the haunted house, the defendants claim they are not at fault and should not be liable for any injuries claimed (Madison Record, 2013). Issue: Has negligence been demonstrated? Rule According to Cheeseman (2013), negligence is a A doctrine that says a person is liable for harm that is the foreseeable consequence of his or her actions (p.91). The elements of negligence include: Duty of Care Breach of Duty Harm Legal Causation The case of Gansz versus Alton Haunted House exemplifies the foundation of the fault principle. Terry Gansz the father of a young girl who was injured when she tripped over a ramp at the Haunted House alleges that there was failure to ensure the safety of the patrons who visited the haunted house.  Alton Haunted House had a duty to exercise reasonable care for those who would visit the haunted house. The unforeseen danger of the participants were not averted and the injuries suffered by the young girl is the fault of Alton Haunted House. Alton Haunted House believes the young girls harm was the result of her own negligence. It was not the duty of the young girl to research beforehand the possible dangers of the haunted house. Analysis In our analysis of the case team D recognized that there were flaws in the defendant’s case. The defendants had a responsibility, a duty in fact, to ensure the safety of the patrons. There should be a limit as to how far actors should be allowed to come to patrons. Also nowhere in the case did it state that a sign was posted stating enter at your own risk or anything of that nature. So team D concluded that the defendant must be held liable for their action because there were no clear policies in place for employees with regards to chasing patrons. . Duty of care is listed as Duty of care is defined as the obligation people owe each other that is, the duty not to cause any unreasonable harm or risk of harm (Cheeseman, 2013, p. 91). We believe that is was there duty to ensure safety. Conclusion Learning Team D reviewed the case of Gansz v. Alton Haunted House using the IRAC method. Based on the issue, rule, and analysis conducted, the team’s conclusion is that Alton Haunted House is liable for negligence because they breached their duty of care. This breach resulted in foreseeable injuries to the plaintiff. In this case, patrons did assume a level of risk by entering into the house; however, Alton Haunted House still had a responsibility to ensure their employees were properly trained and supervised prior to interacting with patrons in order to minimize the risk of injury. This case provides an excellent example of the liabilities business owners may encounter. Therefore, in any business managerial setting it is imperative that owners carefully consider how their actions or lack of actions could lead to a lawsuit. References Faces of Lawsuit Abuse. (2013). Girl chased at haunted house sues Alton. Retrieved from Madison Record. (2013). Bellville attorney to represent Alton in haunted house lawsuit. Retrieved from Madison Record. (2013). November trial vacated in girls suit against Alton haunted house. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Multi Disciplinary Approach Case Study

Multi Disciplinary Approach Case Study Based on the information provided, what needs, risks and strengths can you identify in relation to the individual or family in the case study? How would you plan the assessment, including consideration of theneed for a multi disciplinary approach? Case study E: James Downing is 16 years old, white andlives at home with his mother, Sarah, her same sexpartner, Teresa, and his younger sister Joanne, who is 13 years. Jameshas no contact with his birth father, who left Sarah when she was pregnant withJoanne, but he does have a close relationship with his paternal grandparents,who live nearby. James has been in trouble with the police since he was 13years old, and has numerous convictions for care theft, possession of cannabisand ecstasy and for house burglaries. Sarah has asked a social worker to visither, since she feels that she can no longer cope with the situation and feelsthat the whole family is in danger of `fallingapart. Joanne is beginning to stay out at friends all the time and clearlydoes not want to be at home, where there are frequent arguments. Teresa worksin a very demanding job, involving a lot of travelling, and Sarah feels she isspending less and less time at home because of Jamess behaviour. Research published in Child Protection:Messages from Research (Department of Health, 1995 cited in Horwath, 2001)states that families often feel they lack control and autonomy when dealingwith social services departments. This becomes particularly problematic whenassessments focus on family weaknesses and disadvantages. Hence a holisticapproach utilising strengths and identifying need is required. This approachforms the crux of the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need andtheir Families. Sarah has identified the family difficultiesand has requested support this is encouraging, suggesting commitment to thewell being of the family, and to change. It is important to highlight thisstrength to the family and emphasise that together we will work to build uponthis. James has a close relationship with hispaternal grandparents, adding to the family resilience and acting as animportant resource during periods of difficultly. Hence grandparents should beengaged with the planning of the assessment. The familys economic status is not clear;however there is at least one family member in employment. Traditionally thisis interpreted as a familial resilience factor. Awareness of differingperspectives is essential the nature of Teresas work and the effect of theemployment on the family as a whole is currently unknown and hence couldequally be viewed as a risk factor by the family. James has established offending behaviourand has been involved with illegal drugs in some capacity. Family and professionals will generally view this as risky behaviour; however it must beconsidered that criminal activity could be viewed as a strength within somesocial groups, hence it is essential to ascertain all points of view, withoutprejudgement and then consider ways forward together. There maybe risk linked to the lessening orloss of James attachment to Teresa as she is spending less and less time athome. Equally, there could be risk attached to the potential loss ofattachment between Joanne and James, as Joanne is stay(ing) out withfriends.and clearly does not want to be at home. The family is under a greatdeal of strain, and it seems Joanne and Teresa are coping with this by shiftingaway from the household. This gives some insight as to how the family functionsunder stress; this will need to be explored further with Sarah and Teresa to identify the processes that will ensure the family achieve theirdesired outcomes when faced with difficulties. James has no contact with his father, raising concerns around paternal attachment and possible negative life events/experiences due to separation. The assessment will need to explore how James and his family view this separation; again each may hold conflictingviews and this must be sensitively addressed. One must consider that the immediate family unit, the extended family and professionals may all have differing perceptions of families with same-sex caregivers; some view this as strength whereas others will see membership of a minority group as a risk. Family members themselves may negatively discriminate on the basis of sexuality. Prior awareness of the possibility of conflicting opinions will enable the worker to react thoughtfully and mediate effectively. The social worker should critically evaluate their own practice continuously, checking for assumptions, stereotyping and cultural bias. Preparation for the assessment should begin with ensuring an appropriate social worker is allocated. The team manager should consider the field workers knowledge and understanding of the issues pertaining to this particular family (for example youth offending, discrimination/oppression based on sexuality/gender, attachment issues etc), as well as ensuring the worker is an appropriate match in terms of race and gender. Once a suitable worker is allocated thecase, he/she will need to refer to all information gathered previously. This will prevent the family repeating sensitive information again, and will enable the social worker to identify gaps in information that need to be filled during the assessment. Assessments and subsequent care plans are more effective if the child and family feel empowered and involved throughout the process (Department for Education and Skills, 2001). Indeed this is a duty of any professional working with children as outlined in Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: the child who is capable of forming his or her own views (has) the right to express those viewsfreely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being givendue weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child The social worker must engage with James and his family at the outset, establishing how and where theassessment will be carried out, exactly what help is requested and identifying desired outcomes. As outlined in the Framework for theAssessment of Children in Need and their Families, the social worker andfamily should identify the relevant agencies to be involved in the assessment and ensure it is clear to all professionals and the family the precise role andpurpose of each professional. Advice and information will be sought by identifying all key informants, recording their details and organising aschedule to collect information from these people or organisations. The following would be a minimum essential list of informants: FamilyGP and other relevant health professionals Youth Offending Team Jamesschool/college Paternal grandparents Joannes school Prior to any interviews taking place, a list of essential questions should be drawn up to give structure and purpose to the meetings. Following these initial discussions, further interviews may beneeded with Connexions, local police, wider family, or other community groups, in order to build a comprehensive picture of the family. In planning any assessment, there should be a clear statement of intent, outlining the purpose, limitations and timescales of the assessment. This must be shared with the child and their family. For all assessments this will include the main principles of the Children Act 1989. The particular focus for this assessment should only be decided upon after further consultation with the James and his family. In what ways does the information provided in the case study raiseissues of power, disadvantage and oppression? You are asked to carry out an assessment of need? How would you attempt to work in an anti-oppressive way? Case study C: Razia Akhtar is a 26-year-old single woman, of South Asian Muslim origin, (although born is Britain) who is currently in hospital, following a rapid deterioration in her physical health. She has now been given a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Razia lives alone in a small terraced house, and is very keen to return home as soon as possible. Her older brother and his wife, Mohammed Khan and Shanaz Begum, who live on the next street, have suggested that she moves in with them, but she is very reluctant to do so. The hospital staff feel that Razia is being very unrealistic about her future, and that she needs to come to terms with the fact that she willbe dependent on others for the rest of her life. Her present condition is such that she will need quite a high level of personal  assistance, with someone to get her up in the morning and help her to bed at night. The hospital based social worker is asked to carry out an assessment to determine Razia needs once she is discharged from hospital. Power describes the capacity to influence or control people, events, processes or resources (Thompson,2003, pg 152). If utilized in a negative fashion, power can be a significant barrier to equality and lead to oppression and disadvantage. Imbalances of power can manifest in a variety of social work situations; in this case study there are potentially a multitude of disparities of power, which require critically reflective practice to ensure equality and empowerment are promoted. When debating issues of oppression and disadvantage, we must consider the process leading to it negative discrimination. Negative discrimination is defined by the identification of negative attributes with regard to a person or group of people (Thompson 2003). Generally negative discrimination relates to social and biological constructs and can be based upon sexual orientation, gender, class, race, disability, age and so on. Negative discrimination creates the circumstances that give rise to oppression, which is defined by Thompson (2001) as: inhuman or degrading treatment of individuals or groups; hardship and injustice brought about by one group or another; the negative and demeaning exercise of power (pg 34) In relation to Miss Akhtar, we should consider the power that is implied through hospital staff having superior medical knowledge, skills and expertise in relation to Miss Akhtar. From the case notes provided, it appears that current thought relating to Miss Akhtars long-term care is based upon the medical model; the impairment is seen as the problem and her dependence is emphasized (Adams et al, 2002). Thompson(2001) says social work should take a demedicalised stance and look past thepathology, utilizing the social model of disability as described by Adams et al (2002). The social model suggests Miss Akhtars needs should be considered in a much wider context, ensuring her social and mental health are given equal consideration to her medical needs. Viewing societal constraints as the problem and not the individual creates the frame of mind to consider how to remove barriers to mainstream social, political and economic life. The social worker should liaise with Miss Akhtar and look t owards an solution-focused (not impairment-focused) care plan where by within the assessment, barriers are identified and solutions sought collaboratively, utilizing Miss Akhtars strengths. Miss Akhtar has an autoimmune degenerative disease and again, it is well documented that individuals with physical disabilities are more likely to be subjected to oppressive practices. Dehumanizing and medicalised language can result in a loss of esteem and a sense of disempowerment for the physically impaired service user. This can be prevented by avoiding jargon and providing lots of opportunities for questions and open discussion when working through the assessment with Miss Akhtar. Professionals should continually check themselves for use of infantilizing language andensure they engage in mature, adult discourse with Miss Akhtar. Miss Akhtars religious and cultural needs should be explored and understood as central part of the assessment. These needs must be identified as quickly as possible, to ensure the worker can besensitive to Miss Akhtars Islamic or other customs, without making cultural assumptions. Karmi (1996) examines the Islamic emphasis on modesty; hence the worker should consider with Miss Akhtar the extent to which her modesty should be preserved throughout the assessment. It should be explored if Miss Akhtar would prefer female medical staff and social care professionals only to be involved in the assessment and clear guidelines should be established around preservation of modesty and the practice of physical examinations. It is accepted in many Muslim communities that the most senior male of the family will take responsibility for a female relatives care. Hence it is possible there may be an imbalance of power between Miss Akhtar and Mr. Begum, dependent on their personal beliefs and how far these correlate with each others religious and cultural ideals. If there is a difference in these ideals, the social worker should strive to empower Miss Akhtar by discussing choices and involving a culturally matched advocate if Miss Akhtar desires, in order to mediate within the family. This must be managed sensitively, as Miss Akhtar, Mr. Begum and the social worker may all hold very different views regarding patriarchal hierarchies. The diversity of these views should be acknowledged and respected within the assessment. It is important to be aware of ethnocentrism, as described by Thompson (2003), whereby situations are viewed from the norms of a majority culture and those values projected onto the minority. T his can be countered by critically reflective practice, which will promote consciousness of power and oppression, leading to a decreased likelihood of the worker making inaccurate ideological inferences. Discrimination and oppression can arise through an imbalance in the distribution of financial or other material resources. This is a concern in this case study as Miss Akhtars economic status prior to her illness is not clear. Miss Akhtar may experience barriers in accessing the same level of financial resources as previously. Hence the social worker and potentially Mr. Begum could be in positions of power as they are likely to have control over the allocation of resources. This should be countered by being very open with Miss Akhtar and avoiding closed decision-making and mystery. Again, this promotes equality as it avoids welfarism, whereby it is assumed the Miss Akhtar requires welfare services dueto her disability (Thompson, 2003). Due thought must be given to use of language and culturally biased humour throughout the assessment. Miss Akhtaris an ethnic minority in the UK; as such Thompson (2003) states discriminationcan occur at personal and cultural levels. It is the role of the social workerto critically reflect on their personal prejudices, which could lead to discriminatory stereotyping. Personal discrimination is enveloped by inequity at a cultural level, whereby ethnic minorities, and hence Miss Akhtar, maybe subjected to a general felling of not belonging and polarization, by the use of culturally-specific language and humour. A central theme throughout these case studies is the need to put the service user at the heart of all planning, decision-making and reviews. Care packages imposed upon users will be ineffective; users must be enabled to help themselves, whilst the social workertakes every opportunity to stand in the users shoes and see life from thetheir perspective. References Adams, Robert et al (eds) 2002 CriticalPractice in Social Work. Basingstoke, Palgrave. Great Britain (1989) Children Act 1989(C41). London, Stationery Office Department for Education and Skills (2001) Learningto Listen: Core principles for involvement of Children and Young People. Availablefrom: Department of Health (2000) Frameworkfor the assessment of children in need and their families London, TheStationary Office. Horwath, Jan (eds) 2001 The ChildsWorld: Assessing Children in Need. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Karmi, Ghada (1996) The EthicalHandbook: A Factfile for Health Care Professionals. Oxford, BlackwellScience LTD Thompson, Neil (2001) Anti-discriminatoryPractice 3rd Ed. Basingstoke, Palgrave. Thompson, Neil (2003) PromotingEquality: Challenging Discrimination and Oppression 2nd Ed. NewYork, Palgrave United Nations (1991) United NationsConvention on the Rights of the Child (online). Available from:

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Scene of the Screen Envisioning Cinematc and Electronic Presence :: Free Essay Writer

The Scene of the Screen Envisioning Cinematc and Electronic Presence It is obvious that cinematic and electronic technologies of representation have had enormous impact upon our means of signification during the past century. Less obvious, however, is the similar impact these technologies have had upon the historically particular significance or "sense" we have and make of those temporal and spatial coordinates that radically inform and orient our social, individual, and bodily existences. At this point in time in the United States, whether or not we go to the movies, watch television or music videos, own a video tape recorder/player, allow our children to play video and computer games, or write our academic papers on personal computers, we are all part of a moving-image culture and we live cinematic and electronic lives. Indeed, it is not an exaggeration to claim that none of us can escape daily encounters--both direct and indirect--with the objective phenomena of motion picture, televisual, and computer technologies and the networks of communication and texts they produce. Nor is it an extravagance to suggest that, in the most profound, socially pervasive, and yet personal way, these objective encounters transform us as subjects. That is, although relatively novel as "materialities" of human communication, cinematic and electronic media have not only historically symbolized but also historically constituted a radical alteration of the forms of our culture's previous temporal and spatial consciousness and of our bodily sense of existential "presence" to the world, to ourselves, and to others. This different sense of subjective and material "presence" both signified and supported by cinematic and electronic media emerges within and co-constitutes objective and material practices of representation and social existence. Thus, while cooperative in creating the moving-image culture or "life-world" we now inhabit, cinematic and electronic technologies are each quite different from each other in their concrete "materiality" and particular existential significance. Each offers our lived-bodies radically different ways of "being-in-the world." Each implicates us in different structures of material investment, and--because each has a particular affinity with different cultural functions, forms, and contents--each stimulates us through differing modes of representation to different aesthetic responses and ethical responsibilities. In sum, just as the photograph did in the last century, so in this one, cinematic and electronic screens differently demand and shape our "presence" to th e world and our representation in it. Each differently and objectively alters our subjectivity while each invites our complicity in formulating space, time, and bodily investment as significant personal and social experience.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Tragic Hero of Sophocles Antigone :: Antigone essays

The Tragic Hero of Antigone In Sophocles' Antigone, the question of who the tragic hero actually is has been the subject of a debate for years.   It is unlikely for there to be two tragic characters in a Greek tragedy, and there can be only one in the play Antigone.   The king Creon possesses some of the qualities that constitute a tragic character, but does not have all of the necessary traits. Antigone, however, contains all of the aspects that are required for her to be the   main character.   According to Aristotle's Poetics, there are four major traits, which are required of the tragic character.   The character must be a good and upstanding person.   The character must focus on becoming a better person, must be believable, and must be consistent in his or her behavior. Due to the fact that Antigone represents these four character guidelines, as well as several other protagonist traits, she can definitely be defined as the tragic hero. In order for Antigone to be the tragic character, she first must be a good   and upstanding person.   Antigone is indeed a good-hearted person and has committed no crime up to her decision to give her brother, Polynieces, a   proper burial.   There is no doubt that Antigone is upstanding and a person   of importance in Thebes.   She was scheduled to marry Haemon, the son of   Creon, and was considered a princess.   Aristotle stated that the aspect of a good person was first and most important when creating a tragic character.   The fact that Antigone is a woman makes no difference, because Aristotle   expressly said, "Even a woman may be good.though the woman may be said to be an inferior being."   Aristotle's second rule for determining a tragic character is that the   person must aim at propriety.   The character must work towards becoming a   better person.   Antigone illustrates this second guideline by her effort to   clear her conscious and bring honor to her family by giving Polynieces a   decent burial.   By taking this responsibility, and by denying Ismene's   involvement in her crime, Antigone shows that she has acquired a greater   courage within herself than she had possessed before.   In no way does Creon comply with Aristotle's second guideline.   Throughout the play, he does not   allow himself to see the point of view from other people, such as when   Haemon tries to reason with him, and he neglects the blind prophet,   Tiresias, when he warns Creon of his actions.   The last two expectations of a tragic character are intertwined. According   to Aristotle, the character must be true to life and be consistent in

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Dr. Seuss’ And to Think that I Saw It on Mulberry Street :: Dr. Seuss Think that I Saw It on Mulberry Street

Dr. Seuss’ And to Think that I Saw It on Mulberry Street The story of how a stupid horse and a wagon on Mulberry Street grows into a story that no one can beat. The adventure of Marco, and the things that he saw on Mulberry Street, began during the summer of 1936. Ted and Helen set sail for Europe aboard the new luxury liner, the M.S. Kungsholm. Ted, finding it impossible to settle while a summer storm hammered the ship, strode from one Kungsholm bar to another. While sipping on vodka on the rocks, he took a piece of stationery and started scribbling a rambling plot that began with â€Å"a stupid horse and wagon.† As the ship plowed the sea for eight days, the chugging rhythm of its engines reverberated in Ted’s head: Da-da-DA-da-da-DUM-DUM, da-DA-da-da-DUM (Morgan, 80). Even after the Kungsholm had been docked for days, this rhythm was still stuck in his head. Taking Helen’s suggestion, he set out to develop a story around the rhythm, using the shipboard notes that began with â€Å"a stupid horse and a wagon (Morgan, 81). After six months of questioning every word, Ted began showing the book to publishers under the title A Story That No One Can Beat. Twenty seven publishing houses rejected A Story That No One Can Beat during the winter of 1936-37 (Morgan, 81). On the day of his 27th rejection, Ted ran into an old Dartmouth friend, Mike McClintock. Mike had just became the new juvenile editor of Vanguard Press and offered to look at Ted’s book. James Henle, the president of Vanguard Press, agreed to publish the book. â€Å"But,† he said, â€Å"You’ve got to give me a snappier title.† Ted offered one that many considered unlikelier still: And to Think that I Saw It on Mulberry Street (Morgan, 82). And with that, Dr. Seuss’ first children’s book, And to Think that I Saw It on Mulberry Street, was published by Vanguard Press in 1937. As his grateful homage to luck, Ted gave the name of McClintock’s son Marco to the storyteller of Mulberry Street, and dedicated this first book to McClintock’s wife, Helene (Morgan 82).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

International Police cooperation Essay

The international crime scene recently went agog with the arrest of one James Onanefe Ibori in Dubai. The incident may have been just another routine arrest, except that it was made by the Interpol (international police agency), and the individual in question was a Nigerian. Mr. James Ibori, wealthy politician and former governor of the oil rich Delta state of Nigeria was apprehended in Dubai where he was attempting to evade arrest from his home country Nigeria. The Economic and Financial Crimes commission (EFCC) in Nigeria had declared him wanted in connection with the embezzlement of $290 million dollars during his tenure as governor. Incidentally, the London Metropolitan police had also been hot on his trails for international money laundering. In one of the classic cases of International police cooperation, Mr. Ibori’s detention and eventual trial gives impetus to the global fight against crime. The world has become a global village. And just as we have witnessed dramatic advancement in technology, we have also had commensurate progress in crime and criminality. The scope of crime, whether financial or non financial, transcends borders, culture and creed. And as such any nation attempting to fight crime alone has failed long before it has begun. This is why American president Obama is rallying the entire world to join hands with him in the battle against terrorism. Even the most technologically advanced nation seems helpless when trying to fight crime on its own. In the case mentioned above, three countries are affected by cross border financial crime. In Nigeria, dealing with a man as powerful as Ibori might prove daunting. With his immense wealth and political connections, he has repeatedly evaded the law. Very recently in Nigeria, he had a 170 count corruption charge thrown out of court for insufficient evidence! When declared wanted again, he escaped the country surreptitiously. However, with hard evidence being offered by the London Metropolitan Police, including the freezing of Mr. Ibori’s assets to the tune of $35 million dollars in 2007, vital progress is being made. It should also be noted, that where the Nigerian anti corruption agency, and the London Metropolitan polices’ reach proved limited, the Dubai Interpol stepped in and made International policing one efficient, seamless exercise. Of course the drama is still far from finished, as Ibori has assembled a team of lawyers to fight against his extradition to the United Kingdom to face money laundering charges. What is however some form of consolation is the fact that collaboration in international policing is not only working, but seems to be yielding dividend. There however remain some gray areas that need to be sorted out as we move to achieve a better and more secure world. First, our international borders need to be made more secure, with the relevant security information disseminated expeditiously. How was Ibori able to escape to Dubai? Secondly, the international criminal code needs to be harmonized so that issues of jurisdiction can be worked out. Finally, there is the need for more active involvement by political leaders in the fight against international crime.

Monday, September 16, 2019

“As You Like It” Essay (Advanced English) Essay

A sense of belonging can be founded through an individual’s personal aspiration to inherently connect with other people. The interaction and interconnectedness of relationships can be viewed as the most significant factor influencing an individual’s sense of acceptance within their surrounding environment and ultimately will determine the level of affiliation they can acquire personally. The comedic play â€Å"As You Like It† composed by William Shakespeare (16th Century), examines the idea of belonging to people and its significant influence over an individual. Similarly, Ang Lee’s film â€Å"Sense and Sensibility† (1997), correspondingly explores the perception of belonging through the interaction and contact with people and the relationships that are innately developed. Through the use of characterisation within both texts, the notion is thoroughly explored to exert a deepened understanding of belonging to people and how it can significantly infl uence an individual in most cases favorably. However, there are some instances where an individual cannot find a personal sense of acceptance within the relationships they withhold and therefore do not achieve a sense of affiliation within their social surroundings. The idea that people and the relationships they develop are the most influential facet in deciphering ones’ sense of belonging, is thoroughly examined within Shakespeare’s â€Å"As You Like It†. This is evident through the characterisation of Rosalind and the loving familial relationship she has with her cousin Celia. As they both were â€Å"bred together† and grew up within the court , â€Å"from their cradles† to adulthood, both Celia and Rosalind have developed an inherent familial bond for one another becoming â€Å"inseparable†. Shakespeare’ emphasised on the loving and devout nature of their relationship to the audience by demonstrating Celia’s absolute adoration for Rosalind over her own Father. This can be observed when Rosalind was banished from her home, the court, by Duke Fredrick (Celia’s father). Celia’s sense of belonging to her father was weakened as he betrayed her familial trust and so asked him, à ¢â‚¬Å"Pronounce the sentence on me my liege, I cannot live without her company†. The formality of the blank verse illustrates her detachment from her father and demonstrates the breakdown in their filial relationship. However, Shakespeare has used this to illuminate Celia’s loyalty and familial belonging to Rosalind, thus conveying their â€Å"inseparable† nature and the strong sense of affiliation between one another. (337) Similarly, in â€Å"Sense and Sensibility† the widowed mother Mrs. Dashwood and her three daughters are exiled from their home due to social expectations. However, even with the removal of their place of belonging it is their strong familial bonds and connections that allow them to find a sense of individual affiliation. This is evident towards the beginning of the film when they are introduced to their new home a small cottage in the country side which has just been juxtaposed with the Mansion seen in the previously. As they walk up towards the cottage their is a long shot that portrays the family walking towards the cottage together in a huddled group. Ang lee, has used this positioning of the camera and the actors to display the idea that it is within family they find belonging not place. This again supports the notion that belonging is most significantly founded within the people and relationships an individual withholds. (537) Furthermore, Shakespeare’s portrayal of the loving romantic relationship between Orlando and Rosalind additionally acts as a representation of how influential the contact between people can affect an individual’s sense of belonging. With Rosalind and Orlando finding themselves in the Forest of Arden due to the external influences of powerful men exerting their hate, such as Duke Fredrick and Oliver, both characters find themselves in similar circumstances. However, it is Orlando’s love that demonstrates his sense of affiliation to Rosalind through metaphorical language by comparing her to precious objects. He passionately declares, â€Å"No jewel is like Rosalind; Her worth, being mounted on the wind† which clearly exemplifies to the audience of his complete love for her. The use of extensive amount of romantic poetry and adoring tone is used to demonstrate their love towards one another. And that they find their sense of belonging with one another no matt er where they are and what place they are set, again emphasising the significance of contact between people becoming a poignant source of belonging for an individual. As each individual is intrinsically different, where relationships and interacting with other’s may offer satisfaction to some, others find greater fulfillment in self. Shakespeare clearly demonstrates this choice of belonging to self rather through the contact of other people, through the characterisation of Jaques. Being described as â€Å"melancholy† Jaques chooses not to affiliate with the people around him, and finds satisfaction in being alone. Jaques believes that â€Å"the worst fault you have is to be in love†. His cynical tone and attitude towards love and relationships demonstrate his choice not to associate himself with others. In effect, Shakespeare uses prose to enhance one’s insight into people who chose not to conform to belonging. This is a singular instance where an individual does not find a sense of belonging through the contact between people and the relationships developed, however, represents a lonely and melancholy life. Contrary to this, majority of the character’s within â€Å"Sense and Sensibility† finds a sense of belonging through the people they associate with. In ‘Sense and Sensibility’, Marian falls in love to a young suitor named Willoughby. However, Willoughby chooses not to belong to Marian due to social expectations, which essentially, caused personal consequences for his sense of affiliation. These consequences become evident within the last scene, â€Å"The marriage†, when Marian has been happily married to Brendan and the whole town is celebrating. There is a close medium shot of the both of them happily departing from the church, when the camera suddenly cuts to Willoughby up on a hill. Out from the town he is looking down on the celebrations with a saddened expression. Through the use of camera techniques and expression it becomes evident to the audience that he feels a sense of exclusion and detachment from the people he once was closely affiliated with. This further emphasises the consequences that can come to an individual when they chose expectations and society over the people and relationships they withh old. Nevertheless, the consequences of being lonely is welcoming to him and therefore, does not negatively affect him like Willoughby. Moreover, the interconnectedness and affiliation with people is the most significant factor influencing an individual’s sense of belonging or not belonging. Throughout the text â€Å"As you like it† and the film â€Å"Sense and sensibility†, this idea is thoroughly explored through the character’s represented by the composer’s and the relationship’s they developed, either familial or romantic. However, although one can find significant belonging through another person, some can chose not to belong, such as Jaques or Willoughby and by choosing not to belong it can create consequences resulting in a sense of loneliness. However, there are singular instances, like Jaques, where choosing not to belong to people can create self fulfillment in one’s self and a sense of belonging.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Implementing Talent Development Strategies Essay

The organizations that are running the talent development programs may soon begin to find the high quality people who can be able to lead and to motivate others in order to achieve the highest levels of performance and productivity in the organization. This means that identifying the organizational education culture for the organization, people and top performers of the organization will revolve around some factors that lead to the development of an all round business professional. (Davis and Cutt, 1988). These include strategizing market and product or the services, instilling the manufacturing know how to the people, educating people on the distribution channels, financing strategies among others. Educational issues cover many issues such as cash and expense flow, position of the firm’s cash flow. The people undergoing the talent development will require getting instructions from skilled staff members to make solid decisions and to understand the technical issues that are involved. Education programs will include development of self awareness knowledge, effective problem solving and having good interpersonal communication. (Davis and Cutt, 1988). Training In the organizations if internal training programs are necessary for talent development, they should therefore be updated regularly. The management should also review these programs to see that they are up to date. Again, working in the training program should be a temporary move by employees who are in need of improving their career skills by sharpening their technical as well as presentation skills. (Davis and Cutt, 1988). An organization that is implementing the talent implementation program is likely to receive problems and resistance. This is because young employees are often faced with many problems sometimes that may come immediately after they begin their careers. (Davis and Cutt, 1988). The first problem which involves being offered jobs that they are not trained in. secondly, the firm may face the problem of too much experience which is caused by narrowing down of the career. In addition, the organization may face the problem of using techniques of talent development in order to protect ones career especially towards the person’s retirement. The above problems show that the development of new talents will stop if the firm fails to give appropriate conditions. This may be achieved through employee training. (Davis and Cutt, 1988). An OPD professional might help implement the strategies as well as address or resolve any problems or issues in the implementation of the talent program by making it clear to the organization the organizational requirements to maintain an organization’s competitive edge and to ensure the survival of the organization. The professional may provide means of developing the organizations effectiveness. The professi9onal is required to understand the strategic goals of the organization and to translate this in to the day to day running of the organizational processes. (Davis and Cutt, 1988).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Manufacturing System

A&A Toy Manufacturing Company Introduction Observed that the flow of information and logistics management between the client A&A Toy Manufacturing Company and its partners are not yet optimal, it is decided to recommend some information software to the client. As the company still adopting manual accounting system, it caused messy collection of financial and accounting data and human errors. The above problems would be burdens that affect managers’ decision making. In the hope of solving these problems an Accounting Information System (AIS) would be recommend to A&A Toy Manufacturing Company.The client has few employees, so it does not hold a well-structured system to management the employees. The following problems were observed: incomplete labor record, overlapped job duties and difficulties in calculating MPF. To improve human resource management of the client, a Human Resources Management System (HRIS) would be recommended. As the company is not using a well Logistic Infor mation System (LIS), the schedule of importing raw materials is messy; communication with customers is also poor. It is decided to recommend a Logistic Information System to tackle the problems stated above.The lack of Manufacturing Information System (MFIS) created difficulties like volume of inventory has not clearly stated and a scheduled operation is unable to run. A manufacturing information system can hopefully solve the difficulties. It is going to recommend Accounting Information System (AIS), Human Resources Management System (HRIS), Logistic Information System (LIS) and Manufacturing Information System (MFIS) for A&A Toy Manufacturing Company to improve their daily operation. Methods used to tackle the project Firstly, we drafted a project outline by brainstorming.Secondly, we discussed on the type of product that the manufacturing company produced. Thirdly, according to the nature of toy manufacturing company, we picked 4 information systems which benefit for the operatio n of the business. Based on the toy manufacturing company, we have to state what problems that a toy manufacturing company always faced. Lastly, we have to find the information on the selected 4 information systems that helps to tackle the above problems. In the process of doing the project, we faced a lot of difficulties. Then we sought help from our lecturer. So, the project can be finished on time.Our group found a lot of relevant information on the Internet, especially from wiki. Abundant of information are provided to be reference for our project. Logistic Information System (LIS) The logistics Information System is the system managing and controlling information handling processes optimally with respect to flow time and capacity, storage, distribution and presentation in such a way that it contributes to company results in concurrence with the costs of capturing like creation, searching and maintenance. The Logistics Information System is made up of the following information s ystems: * Sales Information System Purchasing Information System * Inventory Controlling * Shop Floor Information System * Plant Maintenance Information System * Quality Management Information System Function of Logistic Information System (LIS) * Correct information product at the accurate point of time * Correct format / quality * Create planning data * Provide an easy-to-use planning functions to support forecasting function * Plan, control, and monitor business events at different stages in the decision-making process * Flexible tools for collecting, aggregating and analyzing data from the operative applications Situation:A&A Toy Manufacturing Company has faced several problems nowadays. It has a poor management in logistic. First, the schedule of importing raw materials is messy. The company does not have a well-organized to manage the inventory stock. It is time-consuming and inefficient for the production line to spend large amount of time in making phone calls to confirm the arriving times of the raw materials. The arriving time is unclear and inaccurate. It is difficult for the company to have an accurate schedule to finish output in production stage under this situation.Secondly, the company does not have well-communicate with customers. They have not set up an accurate date and time to deliver finish goods to customers. It may have to delay or reschedule in the transaction. Therefore, customers always ask about this. It is ineffective and increases the cost to communicate with them. Overall, the logistic management of planning, organization and control of goods and material in A&A Toy Manufacturing Company are chaotic. Logistics information system is needed to solve problem that the company has. Application:Under the situation of the company, Logistics information system is important for achieving the efficiency and effectiveness. First, using information technology in Logistics information systems can well connect with consumers and suppliers. Time cost is decrease by communicate via Email or websites. The date and time for the raw material arrived and deliver product are more accurate than before. It reduces the redundancy of the transaction. Second, it reduces the requirements of inventory and human resources by enabling requirements planning.Logistics Data Warehouse is using for manage the inventory. It is clear and organizes for the company to update and group relevant data. Human resources reduce and bring effective to the company to make the decision. Third, delivery the finish goods to customers are effective by using logistics information system. The transportation of products improves because the company can plan the routes before they send the product to customers. The routes will be simplify and delivery conveniently. The transportation cost decrease.Fourth, it helps to enlarge scales of business through logistics information system. The manufacturing company is clearer idea about storage of raw materials and finis h goods, it is easily to order raw materials from suppliers or deliver finish goods to customers in a right time. They have a good management in inventory. It helps enlarge capacity of receiving order or storage. Software 1. Logistics Information Management System Features * Dispatch container * Invoicing * Driver and owner operator payments * By move or hourly * Driver profile * Trailer and Truck information Easy data search and retrieval: Invoices, containers, bookings, receipts, payments and vendors * Generate Reports: A/R / Invoicing / A/P / Truck / Trailer / Customer 2. Customs Intelligenceâ„ ¢ Features * Handles commercial and casual imports. * External document management * Client management and billing * Design your own reports Criteria| Logistics Information Management System (LIMS)| Customs Intelligenceâ„ ¢| Preference| User-friendly | Fair| Fair| Fair| Mobile Access| No| Yes| Customs Intelligenceâ„ ¢| Cost| CAD $1500| CAD $ 1699. 95| LIMS| Support after sales| Ye s| Yes| Fair|RFID| Yes| No| LIMS| By comparing the above criteria, Logistics Information Management System would be recommended. Firstly, both of the system is using graphical user interface (GUI), employees can easily pick up the new system. In case, encountered any problems both of the systems have supporting team to help the employees. The systems have a fair performance on the user-friendly aspect. Secondly, only Customs Intelligenceâ„ ¢ provided the mobile access function to keep check the inventories location, the predicted time of arriving. LIMS and only perform this function on computers.Thirdly, the RFID tags, only LIMS supported RFID tags to manage the inventory that in the warehouse. With RFID technology it can easily locate the location of the stocks in the warehouse and know the quantity of the stocks. It would be helpful to the business. To conclude, LIMS is cheaper and offered RFID technology, which is a useful tool. Although it does not preform mobile access funct ion, it is not a must to have it. Employees can also know the raw materials location and predicted arrival time from computers. It is enough to fix the messy of making phone calls all the time to know the rrival time. LIMS would be recommended as it can fix the company’s obstacles and have an RFID function which can further help the business to improve. Accounting Information System (FIS) Accounting Information System is a system of collection, storage and processing of financial and accounting data. An accounting Information system is a computer-based method. The resulting financial reports are useful for the internal management and external parties such as investor. It benefits the management to make decision. Functions of Financial Information System (FIS) Collects relevant financial and accounting data * Stores the financial and accounting data * Transfers the financial and accounting data into information, such as financial reports * Provides information to financial exe cutives * Provides timely financial information Situation After working with different functional units of A&A Toy Manufacturing Company for a while, I have observed that the company still adopting manual accounting system. This creates abundant of problems. Firstly, manual accounting system leads to the messy collection of financial and accounting data from different departments.With lots of missing data and the mistakes made by the accountants, it produces incomplete and inaccurate financial reports to the management. Secondly, manual accounting system leads to the wasting time in processing the data into information. After collection of data, the accountants have to record those transactions in to ledger by hand. It is really time consuming. Some of the final financial reports may be out of dated for decision making. Thirdly, the management make decision depends heavily on the financial reports produced by the accountants.As the incomplete and inaccurate provided to management, t he management will make a wrong decision. To conclude, manual accounting system produces incomplete, inaccurate and out of dated financial reports. The process of processing the financial and accounting data into information is messy and time consuming. Application Applying computerize accounting information system can help to improve the financial operation of the company. It brings several advantages to the company. Firstly, computerize accounting information system is automate and streamline reporting. The accountants just have to input the necessary data into the software.It will generate those requested accurate financial reports automatically by the accountants. Secondly, computerize accounting information system can generate financial reports automatically. So it is less time consuming. The accountants no need to record each transaction. The financial reports must be timely as the computerize system can generate reports in fast rate. Thirdly, computerize accounting informatio n system can generate timely, accurate, relevant, integrated financial. It can avoid human mistakes. Therefore, the management can make the correct decision for the business.Fourthly, computerize accounting information system can store the past data and reports. So the data and reports will be more organized and tidy. The probability of losing data will become low. To conclude, computerize accounting information system benefits the operation of business. It is less time consuming in generating timely, accurate, relevant, integrated financial reports in a short period. So, the financial and accounting data can be more organized and tidy. It monitors the cash flow closely in the company. Also, those qualified reports can truly reflect the profitability and liquidity of the company.The management can make the best decision. Software 1. Front Accounting Features: Advanced GST (VAT) handling * several GST (VAT) definitions with GST (VAT) groups * definition of GST (VAT) included * GST (V AT) can be selected on per customer, supplier or item level advanced GST (VAT) inquiry and report showing details and outputs/inputs. Full currency support * historical currency rates * Multi-currency bank accounts, customers and suppliers. 2. Intuit QuickBooks Features: * Allow multiple users to work off the same, up-to-date QuickBooks company file at the same time. Create professional-looking invoices and forms * Customize contact information fields in the Customer, Vendor, Employee Centers * Downloading transactions from financial institution Criteria| FrontAccounting| Intuit QuickBooks| Preference| User-friendly | Fair| Good| Intuit QuickBooks| Mobile Access| No| Online access(extra cost needed)| Intuit QuickBooks| Multiple user | No| Yes| Intuit QuickBooks| Cost| None| USD $199. 96| FrontAccounting| Updating| Yes| Yes| Fair| Support after sales| No| Yes (Extra Charges needed)| Intuit QuickBooks| By comparing the above criteria, Intuit QuickBooks would be recommended.Firstly, as A&A Toy Manufacturing Company is using manual accounting system, a user-friendly system is needed for employees start to pick up. Intuit QuickBooks is more user-friendly than FrontAccounting as it uses graphical user interface (GUI). Employees can get used to the new system soon. Moreover, if the employees encounter any problem, they can seek help from the Intuit hotline. While FrontAccounting just provided some common Q&A sections on the web, it is not specific even cannot help the employee. It would be a waste of human resource.Thirdly, as the managers or the owners may need to preform decision making outside the office, it would be better to have mobile accessing function for their convenience. Intuit QuickBooks provided this function while FrontAccounting does not. Although extra charges are needed for this function, managers could still have the right to consider use it or not. Fourthly, employees may need to access to the same document at one time, Intuit QuickBooks can suppo rt multiple users to work on the same time. It would be more convenient for the employee.Time would be wasted if the employees need to do the job one by one. Fifthly, both of the software have updating to introduce new functions of fix some bugs. They have fair performance on this criterion. Sixthly, FrontAccounting is free of charge, while Intuit QuickBooks cost almost USD$200, it is expensive to the A&A Toy Manufacturing Company. However good AIS could help the company a lot in saving cost and present accurate information for decision making purpose. As, the performance of Intuit QuickBooks is better than FrontAccounting and the cost is for permanent use, thus it is still worthy.To conclude, Intuit QuickBooks would be recommended to A&A Toy Manufacturing Company. Manufacturing Information System (MFIS) Manufacturing Information System is a computer-based system that works in conjunction with other functional information systems to support the firm’s management in solving pr oblems that relate to manufacturing the firm’s products. Manufacturing information provide services to support the manufacturing function, such as the inventory control and order processing for the company. The company may benefit by reducing the manufacturing costs, increasing products quality, and improving inventory decisions.Functions of Manufacturing Information System * Manages manufacturing resources * Enhances the availability of information * Collects and organizes manufacturing quality data in a straight-forward manner * Support inventory decision-making Situation After working with different functional units of A&A Toy Manufacturing Company, our team found that the company was operating with poor information and logistics management. Firstly, without a suitable manufacturing information system, the volume of inventory has not clearly stated during the daily operation.The staffs have to use extra time and manpower to check-up the inventory stock. In case, the staffs of production lines have to check that regularly, this may lower the efficiency since it wasted a lot of company’s resources. Secondly, the company cannot run a scheduled operation since the delivery of raw materials is not on-time. Moreover, the company does not have any concept on managing the manufacturing resources; as a result, the late delivery of raw materials may lead to poor shipment arrangement and customers-relation.Also, the above actions may delay the manufacturing processing, and lower the effectiveness. Application For the suitable manufacturing information system used by the A&A Toy Manufacturing Company, it may turns into conceptual and strategic tool for competitive advantage. Firstly, a manufacturing information system may help in organizing to resources’ data, such as the inventory stock. The system may help the company to keep track on the resources’ states and adjust the internal settings automatically. The usage of the report and control system of manufacturing information system is sophisticated.These kind of high-tech system can reduce the manpower wasted and duplicated use of resources; it may achieves maximum efficiency with minimum error. Secondly, the manufacturing information system includes managing the raw materials needed to be used. A good manufacturing information system can help in arranging the delivery of stocks and the processing tasks. Thus, the system may enhances the effectiveness in terms of ensure to do the processing tasks on-schedule and use the materials with high attainment. Software | Manufacturing Information System (Erp) Software|Company name| Softcore Infotech Private Limited| Features| * Auto Production Planning & Purchase Order prepared based on delivery date while considering available raw & finished stocks. * Production inspection * Final inspection of finished good| As A&A Toy Manufacturing Company doesn’t has a suitable manufacturing information system, the staffs have to us e extra time and manpower to check-up the inventory stock and lower the efficiency because of wasted a lot of company’s resources, we suggest the Manufacturing Information System (Erp) Software.Manufacturing Information System (Erp) Software offers auto Production Planning & Purchase Order prepared based on delivery date while considering available raw and finished stocks, it can help to reduce the manpower to check-up the inventory stocks. Besides, it also can help to enhance their shipment arrangement and customers-relation. Manufacturing Information System (Erp) Software also offers product and final goods inspection, to help A&A to control the quality of the raw and finished stocks. Human Resource Information System (HRIS)Human Resource Information System enables users to perform standard reporting from all Human Resource areas and process personal information, it provided information that helps decision makers define their own report quickly and efficiently. Functions of Human Resource Information System * Manage all employee information * Report and analysis of employee information * Developing online data bases of employee information * Benefits administration (enrollment, status changes, personal information updating) * Developing online searchable data bases of applicant resumes * Training record maintenance SituationA&A Toy Manufacturing Company with the small scale of operation and few of employees, all the information of labor only recorded by the application form individually so there is no complete labor record. This policy caused different management problems of the company: Firstly, without complete labor record, it is difficult for the company to specify labor’s strength and abilities. As a result, the supervisors cannot allocate the most suitable workers to carry out specific job duties. Secondly, as the company didn’t clearly give any instructions to labor that they have to do of their positions. So, their job duties may be overlapped.For instance, both salespersons and customer services need to answer lots of queries from their customers regarding the shipment arrangement, delivery status as well as warranty issues of their finished products. It will lower the efficiency of division of labor. Thirdly, with incomplete labor record, the company cannot recruit qualified candidates to satisfy the need of labor force in different departments. Fourthly, the calculation of Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (MPF) of labor will be messy, the company cannot certainly calculate accumulate mandatory provident fund of each labor without complete labor record.Application of Human Resource Information System Firstly, Human Resource Information System helps the company to manage and record all employees’ information, Manager can clearly know all the information of labor including their strength, abilities and training record from the Human Resource Information System. Secondly, in order to give instructions to labor, they can have a clearer idea what to do of their positions; manager can offer different jobs according to their strength and abilities. Thus, it can avoid the problem of overlapping job duties. Thirdly, company can develop online database of employees’ information and nline searchable database of applicant resumes, so that the manager can review all the records easily. With online searchable database of applicant resumes, the company can easily search for the qualified candidates from received application form to satisfy the shortage of labor force in different departments. Fourthly, Human Resource Information System can be reconfigured to suit for different kinds of payroll, the system can record their payroll automatically with flexible payroll adjustment, the company can accurately calculate accumulate Mandatory Provident Fund of labor. Software Microsoft Office Access| BambooHR| Cost| * A one-time payment, $139. 99| * Monthly payment * Depends on the number of employees| User-friendly| * Involves graphical user interfaces(GUI)| * Involves tools (e. g. Power Edit)| Update frequency| * Constantly update| * Constantly update| Security| * Fair| * Fair| As a small-sized company, cost is one of the main concerns. To choose the proper system for the human resource information system, we prefer the Microsoft Office Access. Firstly, BambooHR costs monthly and the price is based on the number of labors.As a company with the small scale of operation, although A&A Toy Manufacturing Company only has a few of employees, monthly cost is a liability to them. MS Access only costs $139. 99 and for permanent use, it will reduce the burden of the company on the system. Secondly, MS Access and BambooHR are fair in the user-friendly section, but BambooHR involves some tools for the users to use easily, but they are only helpful in editing and filling the data in it after setting up the database. MS Access involves the graphical user interfaces (GUI), it can he lp the managers to set up the database of the employees easily.Besides, A&A is the company with the small scale of operation and few of employees, it may not have the senior programmers, MS Access offers many features for junior programmers, it is easy to use for A&A. Lastly, BambooHR and MS Access have fair performance on the update frequency and the security, two of these systems constantly update to meet customers’ needs and make the system more efficiency. Because of all the people are concerned about the security of the information systems, include the HRIS, two of these systems have a fair performance in security.For example, they use the firewall to protect the information in the database, and use some software to protect the information when they are in the backup process, such as SSL. To conclude, we suggest A&A Toy Manufacturing Company to use Microsoft Office Access as their human resource information system. Conclusion To conclude, we suggested four types of infor mation system for A&A Toy Manufacturing Company to use and help them to improve their existing state. We recommended Logistic Information System (LIS), Accounting Information System (AIS), Human Resource Information System (HRIS) and Manufacturing Information System(MFIS).Firstly, for Logistic Information System, we recommended A&A to use Logistics Information Management System (LIMS) to help to solve the exist problems such as reduces the requirements of inventory and human resources. LIMS supported RFID tags that can easily locate the location of the stocks in the warehouse and know the quantity of the stocks. Employees can also know the raw materials location and predicted arrival time from computers, it can help to decrease the human resource needed of the inventory management and making calls. Secondly, for Accounting Information System, we suggested Intuit QuickBooks.It uses graphical user interface (GUI) to help the employees to pick up the system easily. Besides, Intuit Quic kBooks can support multiple users to work on the same time, it would be more convenient for the employees to access to the same document at one time. Use computerize accounting information system instead of manual accounting system can reduce the probabilities of error and help the managers to make the best decisions to the company. Thirdly, for Human Resource Information System, we recommended Microsoft Office Access. Access only costs $139. 9 and for permanent use, it will reduce the burden of the company on the system. It also involves the graphical user interfaces (GUI), it can help the managers to set up the database of the employees easily. It can help the manager to manage the data of employees more convenient and efficiency. The managers can clearly know all the strength, abilities and training record of labor from the system and avoid the problem of overlapping job duties. Fourthly, for the manufacturing information system, we recommended Manufacturing Information System (E rp) Software. A&A can use this software to solve their problem.It offers auto Production Planning & Purchase Order prepared, it helps A&A to reduce the manpower to check-up the inventory stocks and enhance their shipment arrangement and enhance customers-relation. In addition, it also provides the product and final goods inspection, it can help the managers to control the quality of the raw and finished stocks. The above information systems with software can help to solve the difficulties. It helps to enhance the management in different departments to be optimal. Our team believes that those software can enhance the profitability in a foreseeable future.